From 2015-2017, the Express Entry Calculator was used as an online tool for sales and consulation. It is a GUI calculator that computes an immigration assessment.

Both a public-facing version was developed as well as an in-house variant that lawyers would use that provided more functionality.

The calculator was expanded in sequential modules to also provide services in French, Chinese Mandarin and Japanese.

The Express Entry Calculator was launched within the first two weeks of the immigration program in January, 2015. Although it wasn't the first such free online tool developed, it was the only one with graphics.


The version available above represents an early stage of development.



January 16, 2015 - Functional alpha English version released.

March 12, 2015 - French language version released.

April 15, 2015 - Chinese/Mandarin language version released.

August 6, 2015 - Japanese language version released.

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This project has been RETIRED and is no longer updated or supported.



Moving through a series of braching questions, the calculator adds points sequentially as the user advances through stages of personal assessment.




Icons were used to assist in guiding the user through the survey. Rather than filling out fields, push buttons propel the user through the survey in about 5-10 minutes.




The in-house variant includes the exposed total points counting up on the right, in the public version the points total was revealed at the end. All versions include a progress bar displayed at the top.